
House Republicans Deal Blow to Gingrich in Leadership Vote

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In a sharp setback for combative Minority Whip Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and hard-line conservatives, House Republicans on Monday rejected his candidate for the No. 3 leadership post and reelected a moderate Californian, Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Highland), after a bitter contest that left deep divisions in GOP ranks.

The usually affable and soft-spoken Lewis, who defeated Rep. Carl D. Pursell (R-Mich.) by a surprisingly large margin of 98 to 64, declared the outcome a “disaster” for Gingrich and two of his close allies who tried to oust Lewis as chairman of the House Republican Conference.

“Their purpose was not to help Carl Pursell but to dump Jerry Lewis,” snapped Lewis, who said that Reps. Duncan L. Hunter (R-Coronado) and Vin Weber (R-Minn.) were “designated deputies” by Gingrich in the campaign against him.


Another candidate backed by Gingrich in a hard-fought race--Rep. Guy Vander Jagt (R-Mich.)--decisively won his campaign for reelection as chairman of the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee over Rep. Don Sundquist (R-Tenn.) by a vote of 98 to 66.

The House GOP campaign fund-raising organization under Vander Jagt’s direction was accused by Sundquist of making improper financial arrangements with consultants and polling organizations and getting unsatisfactory results. Vander Jagt promised to review the complaints and make changes, if warranted.

Gingrich, who was reelected without opposition to his No. 2 position in the GOP hierarchy, insisted that the Lewis-Pursell contest was not a referendum on him or his followers. “I am for Jerry Lewis in some elections and against him in others,” Gingrich said. “The conference voted for the established leadership.”


In contrast with the sharp infighting among Republicans, House Democrats reelected Speaker Thomas S. Foley (D-Wash.) and their other leaders by acclamation as they organized for the 102nd Congress that will convene in January.
