
Report Clears Officer in Work on Dalton Case


The Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners on Tuesday approved a report concluding that a police sergeant did not work improperly as a criminal defense investigator on behalf of fellow officers charged in the 39th and Dalton case.

The report, which was sent to the mayor, determined that Sgt. Robert Kavanaugh worked earlier this year as a representative for officers charged with administrative misconduct in the 39th and Dalton raid, but not as part of the criminal defense team for four officers charged with vandalism.

The mayor had requested the investigation after Kavanaugh told The Times that he was a criminal defense investigator on the case and that he had the approval of his police superiors. However, in the commission report he denied that he worked for the defense.


The commissioners also said they were concerned that Kavanaugh worked at the offices of one of the defense attorneys, noting that the arrangement gave the appearance of a conflict of interest.
