
Ethics Hearings and Cranston

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So Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) played a more active and independent role than any of the other senators (“Cranston Was Most Active of Keating 5,” front page, Dec. 10). So what’s new? He always has on all issues, thank heavens. And so what? The testimony during the current Senate ethics hearings has more than proven that Cranston had every justification to inquire and question, at any time, the activities of the newly active regulators (where were they for six years?) when a constituent showed evidence of possible harassment and delay and damage to his business, no matter the contributions by that constituent.

The deregulation and “profit at any cost and the public be damned” policies of the Reagan years, the greedy investors who chose not to look at the fine print to make a fast buck and the truly unethical conduct of the Neil Bushes caused the S&L; mess, not Sen. Cranston.

Cranston should be lauded for his years of “active and independent” representation of the people of California and the nation, and for his dedication to voting rights and registration. We say, get the partisan hypocrites (are you listening, Sen. Warren Rudman?) off of his back and place the blame where it belongs. Leave our honorable senator alone!



