
Missing L.A. Officer Back; Incident Investigated

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A Los Angeles police officer who disappeared last week and was the focus of a four-day search in Ventura County has returned home safely, explaining to supervisors that he hitchhiked to Northern California because he needed to think over personal problems, authorities said Sunday.

They said Sgt. Christopher Vasquez, 41, a 20-year veteran who is assigned to the North Hollywood Division station, said he left his Moorpark townhouse without his car, wallet or any money Dec. 10 and hitchhiked 250 miles to Salinas before hitchhiking home late Saturday.

“He left his house voluntarily and he returned voluntarily,” Los Angeles Police Sgt. Rick Webb said. “He said he left to collect his thoughts because he was having personal problems and needed some time to think.


“He literally lived on the streets until he returned home,” Webb said. “He had no money, nothing.”

Police said Vasquez has been placed on “special assignment status” while a personnel investigation of his disappearance is conducted. Police said they will attempt to confirm the officer’s explanation and determine if he is fit to return to regular duty.

“As of right now, he will not be doing his normal job,” said Sgt. Ike Langsam, who could not say what Vasquez’s interim duties will be.


Several fellow officers expressed relief Sunday over his return and bewilderment over the disappearance.

“We are very happy that he is OK,” said Webb, who works with Vasquez.

But several officers privately said the episode has left them frustrated.

“The first thing I am going to do is hug him,” one officer said. “And after that, I am going to slap him for doing this to us.”

Police said Vasquez told them that he was unaware of the intensive search that was mounted when he failed to report for duty as assistant watch commander Dec. 10.


Two Los Angeles police officers immediately began looking for the well-liked veteran because he was considered dependable and was known to be depressed over marital problems.

Ventura County sheriff’s deputies then organized a search over 45 square miles of mostly undeveloped areas north of the Marquette Street townhouse where Vasquez has lived recently since separating from his wife.

By Thursday, nearly 100 officers and deputies, many of them volunteers, scoured the hillsides on horseback, motorcycles and by helicopter but found no sign of the officer. The search was called off Thursday night.

Officials said they conducted the search on the theory that Vasquez, an avid runner, might have become lost or hurt while jogging in the hills.

Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. Bill Montijo said authorities learned that Vasquez was safe about 11 p.m. Saturday when he arrived at his estranged wife’s home in Simi Valley.

Los Angeles Police Capt. Dan Watson interviewed Vasquez late Saturday. Watson could not be reached for comment Sunday. Police said Vasquez has returned to his Moorpark townhouse. A friend who is also a police officer was staying with him, police said.


Vasquez could not be reached for comment Sunday at his house. Pamela Vasquez, the officer’s wife, also could not be reached.

Montijo said a follow-up investigation will be conducted by Los Angeles police. He said it was unknown if Vasquez could be liable for the expenses of the search because he did not commit any crime.

Kirsten Lee Swartz and staff writer Philipp Gollner contributed to this report.
