
For GIs, No Bob Hope or Holiday USO Shows : Military: The Pentagon decision reflects security concerns and deference to austere Saudi traditions.

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Christmas will be a quiet one for U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, unlike anything American military men and women have seen before in a combat situation.

Unless a tour materializes at the last minute, for the first time in a generation there will be no Bob Hope, leaning on his golf club, surrounded by leggy showgirls, playing to an audience of cheering, whistling GIs. In fact, it appears unlikely that there will be any kind of USO show, a staple of GI Christmases since World War II.

Some celebrities have offered to be on hand, but it will be only to shake hands and sign autographs. So far, two are scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia during the holidays: “Major Dad” TV star Gerald McRaney and his wife, “Designing Women” actress Delta Burke.


Singer LaToya Jackson, sister of Michael, will perform for U.S. service personnel attached to the U.N. peacekeeping force in the Sinai Peninsula, a USO spokesman said, but that is far from the Persian Gulf.

The Pentagon’s decision to forgo shows that would bring together large numbers of troops reflects deference to the Saudis--their conservative country has no movie theaters or concert halls--as well as security concerns. At this point, those concerns are based more on a fear of terrorist attack than on the threat of Iraqi missiles.

All American soldiers in the gulf will eat a traditional turkey dinner on Christmas, but any religious services will be low-keyed, unpublicized and closed to the press. Even the singing of Christmas carols, such as “Silent Night” or “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” will not be recorded by TV news cameras.


No chapels have been set up in rear areas, where large numbers of troops are deployed, although Americans here have been meeting regularly on Sundays and Fridays for worship services, usually in a unit’s day room or some unused office space.

Saudi Arabia forbids the practice of any religion other than Islam. Technically, even Bibles are forbidden here. But in practice, the Saudis are far more tolerant than their constitution would suggest. By unspoken agreement, American expatriates and other foreigners here are allowed to worship as they please, as long as Christian or Jewish symbols are not displayed for the public to see and services are kept private.

U.S. commanders want to play down the religious aspects of Christmas for two reasons. First, they do not want to antagonize Saudi cultural sensitivities. Second, and more important, they are convinced that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein would seize on pictures of Americans conducting religious services to inflame the passions of Arab zealots who are critical of the presence of “infidel” troops in the land of Islam’s holiest sites.


Despite the unusual religious sensitivities--which apparently will not affect U.S. personnel on nearby ships in international waters--the Christmas holiday itself is not kept in the closet here. Most Americans working at the Saudi Aramco Oil Co. in Dhahran have decorated their homes with artificial trees, and shops in Kobar, the closest city, sell Christmas lights and greeting cards.

In American military units, soldiers have covered their walls with Christmas stockings, pictures of Santa Claus and cards from home. What is absent is any direct association with Christ.

The 260,000 U.S. military personnel in the gulf region were briefed about Saudi and Arab culture and lifestyles before leaving the United States and Europe. There appears to be remarkably little grumbling about the restrictions placed on them, especially considering the fact that few things come more naturally to a GI or Marine than complaining, about everything from the chow to the living conditions.

Soldiers arriving from Germany say that they received a 20-hour course about Arabs and their customs and religious beliefs, and even troops leaving the United States on short notice received booklets on the same subject.

Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the commander of U.S. troops in the region, gave his staff a recommended reading list and, during a recent staff meeting, read passages of a book that dealt with understanding the Arab culture.

Among the restrictions troops face here are bans on alcohol consumption--a prohibition the U.S. military is strictly enforcing--and on women driving outside military compounds. Small groups of servicemen are allowed in Kobar to shop, and 75 tour the Aramco oil museum each day.


But for the most part, the Americans are maintaining a low profile, and mixing with the Saudi public is limited.

Although few enlisted personnel would be likely to agree, a 17-year Army veteran at a forward position, Sgt. 1st Class Larry Brooks, observed: “Not having beer is a blessing. That’s what causes lots of problems with young troops. When there’s beer available and soldiers have time on their hands, you can have disciplinary problems. But we don’t have any. Everyone’s focused on the mission.”

The Saudis in the relatively liberal Eastern province--where American oil crews have worked in large numbers since the 1930s--are far more familiar with Americans than American troops are with Saudis.

Still, although Pvt. Renita Coker of Montgomery, Ala., did not like being told by religious policemen in Kobar to take off her makeup the other day, U.S. troops seem to be gathering some new and not unfavorable notions of the Arabs.

“I expected to find all radical terrorists here,” said Sgt. 1st Class Steve Gebert of Juneau, Alaska. “I get here and I find the Saudis are very decent people.”

Said Pfc. Greg Bolwaire of Cleveland: “I thought they’d be a lot worse than they are. From what I’d seen on TV, I expected them to be pretty primitive. Obviously, though, they’re not. They seem pretty nice, from what I’ve seen here.”


Marine Sgt. Brad Metzelfelt of Los Angeles added: “The Saudis have been really good to us. A lot of times, they’ll come up to the compound with cold sodas. The Marines aren’t supposed to take them, but they’re cold, and you’re going to say no to a cold drink?”

Times staff writer Don Shannon in Washington contributed to this report.
