
Forsythe Started the Scuffle, Ornest Says

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Harry Ornest said Monday that actor John Forsythe initiated a scuffle Sunday when the two directors of Hollywood Park grabbed each other before dozens of shocked guests in the directors’ room of the track’s Turf Club.

“There were bad words, but they started with John,” Ornest said. “The old matinee idol used language that he wouldn’t be able to use on television.”

Forsythe, 72, said Sunday night that he and Ornest, 67, were mutually responsible for what Forsythe called an “embarrassing” incident. Forsythe said Ornest called him names. Forsythe is a supporter of Marje Everett, Hollywood Park’s chief executive officer, while Ornest has been critical of Everett’s managerial style and wants to see her ousted.


“One of the things that bothers me about Forsythe is that he’s helping keep Marje there even though he owns less than one-half of 1% of the stock,” Ornest said. “My family and I own close to 10%.”

Meanwhile, the shareholders meeting of Hollywood Park has been postponed from Jan. 28 to Feb. 18. A statement said the move was to “give shareholders time to receive and consider full information following the outcome of important court cases expected in late December and early January. . . .”

The court filings are part of a battle for control between Everett’s group and R.D. Hubbard, who is attempting to oust Everett.


“It is outrageous . . . (Everett’s group) is attempting to delay the annual meeting . . . “ Hubbard said. “. . . This delay is improper and without any reason other than the entrenchment of current management.”
