
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : Lower Lottery Profit Spurs School Cuts

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Because revenue from the sale of lottery tickets is plummeting, the Capistrano Unified School District cut $779,000 from its budget this week and another cut may be forthcoming, officials said.

The cut amounts to 18% of the $4.2 million that the district had expected to receive as its share of California Lottery profits and almost 1% of its $109 million annual budget.

“No one likes to have to make budget cuts, but we are trying to make cuts that will have the least impact on education,” said Carole F. Bailey, the district’s director of fiscal services. “Where we could, we tried to shift projects to other accounts, and other projects will be put off for at least a year.”


Among the cuts were the upgrading of the administration building’s computer system, much of the district’s maintenance budget for photocopiers and “Go for It,” a district program that helped pay the cost of classroom innovations proposed by teachers. Also, no new field trips will be planned.

The district had projected receiving $160 per student from the lottery, but the lottery commission last month revised its estimate to $137 per student. That amount could be lowered even further to $123 per student, district officials said.

“If that happens, we will have to cut another $350,000,” Bailey said.

Lottery spokeswoman Joanne McNabb said the higher cost of gasoline and the worsening economy are responsible for the declining sales of lottery tickets.


In fiscal year 1988-89, the lottery produced $1.35 billion for education statewide, compared to $929 million in 1989-90, McNabb said. For 1990-91, the figure is estimated at $800 million.
