
Don’t Stand on the Sidelines

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Occasionally, people come out from “under their rocks” and say some pretty amazing things. Take Betty Berzon’s letter regarding Polly Ward’s opposition to three proposed liquor licenses for the mini-mall development at Laurel Canyon and Ventura boulevards in Studio City.

Surely, Berzon has been under her rock for too long as evidenced by her statement that Ward only claims to represent homeowners in the area as their “self-anointed” spokesperson for the Studio City community.

On the contrary, any informed Studio City resident knows that Polly Ward is the four-term current president of the Studio City Residents Assn., a thriving, active group representing more than 1,400 families and individuals in the area. And, if Berzon were really in touch, she’d also know that the association, not Polly as an individual, has resoundingly opposed the issuance of liquor licenses for this mini-mall.


And as for the developer “doing us a favor” by bringing in more restaurants to the area, maybe Berzon doesn’t drive either--thereby avoiding the massive traffic problems we already have to endure at this busy intersection, problems that will grow worse if three more liquor-serving restaurants are allowed.

The Studio City Residents Assn. welcomes Berzon and other Studio City residents to join us in discussing this and other community issues. But don’t stand on the sidelines or “under your rocks,” surfacing only once in a great while to challenge community leaders like Ward who represent the “vocal majority.”


Studio City
