
Black Beans, Nut Pie

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DEAR SOS: I’d like to try the recipe for black beans as served at Lawry’s California Center. They’re great.


DEAR SHARON: Now that’s an idea for a New Year’s buffet. The beans make a great accompaniment to roast turkey or ham. Here’s the recipe, compliments of Lawry’s.


1 pound black beans

10 slices bacon, julienned

1 medium sweet red pepper, diced

1 medium green pepper, diced

1 medium yellow pepper, diced

1 medium onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 sprigs cilantro, minced

1 tablespoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 quarts chicken stock

Salt, pepper

1 cup Lawry’s Italian dressing

Day before preparing recipe, soak black beans in cold water in refrigerator overnight. Use oversized container to allow for expansion.


Drain beans; wash thoroughly in cold water to rinse away black color. Place beans in fresh water to cover in kettle. Cook until beans are al dente or slightly firm. Pour into colander and discard water. Rinse again in cold water to prevent further cooking.

Meanwhile, saute bacon until half cooked. Drain off fat. Continue cooking bacon, then add diced peppers, onion, garlic, cilantro, cumin and cayenne. Saute until peppers are tender-crisp. Add to precooked black beans in kettle. Gradually add chicken stock and continue cooking until most of cooking liquid is absorbed, leaving moist, but not dry bean mixture. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add Italian dressing. Stir well. Chill. Stir well before serving. Makes 6 servings.

DEAR SOS: If possible I would like the recipe for the Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Cream Pie. We had such a pie at the Kaanapali Beach Hotel.



DEAR ERMA: This is a spectacular pie for a holiday spread. Macadamia nut pie is popular throughout the islands.



1 1/3 cups milk

3/4 cup sugar

Chopped toasted macadamia nuts

Dash salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 eggs, separated

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 baked (8-inch) pastry shell

Whipped cream

Combine 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup nuts, salt and vanilla in top of double boiler. Place over boiling water and scald. Combine remaining 1/3 cup milk, egg yolks and cornstarch and add to hot milk mixture.

Cook, stirring, until thickened. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Beat egg whites with remaining 1/2 cup sugar until stiff. Carefully fold into milk mixture and turn into pastry shell. When cool, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with additional chopped nuts, if desired. Makes 6 servings.


Only recipes of general interest will be printed. Send recipe request to Culinary SOS, Food Section, The Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Include restaurant address when requesting recipes from restaurants. We are unable to answer recipe requests by mail.
