
UP AND UP: The number of babies...

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UP AND UP: The number of babies being born here is spiraling upward (above), but why? One reason: There’s a population boom among recent Latino and Asian immigrants, whose cultures favor large families, says a county demographer. Also, baby boomers now realize “their biological clocks are running out.” . . . And, says the March of Dimes, teen pregnancy is still rising as girls have babies “to have somebody to love.”

Baby Boom

Births in the country are steadily increasing. Births: ‘86: 37,612 Increase: +2.7% Births: ‘87: 38,730 Increase: +3.0% Births: ‘88: 42,118 Increase: +8.7% Births: ‘89: 46,000* Increase: +9.2% Births: ‘90: 52,000* Increase: +13% * estimate Source: Orange County Health Care Agency
