
Tree Planting in Honor of El Monte Teacher

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Students at El Monte High School held a tree planting on campus Friday in honor of Edward Warner, a popular social studies teacher who died in 1989.

Warner, who succumbed to heart and lung ailments at age 54, taught at El Monte High School for 27 years, said teacher Jerlyn Mask.

“He was constantly teasing the kids, making them laugh, making them want to come to school,” Mask says. “He would always come down the hallway from lunch and call kids the crummy seniors, and they knew he meant just the opposite.”


One of his tactics for getting students involved was to hand out tickets and extra credit to under-attended events, such as girls volleyball.

The school had already started a scholarship fund in Warner’s memory when students in the school’s environmental club came up with the idea of a tree planting last fall. Other projects of Club Earth will include a paper drive, an aluminum can drive and whale watching, said member Carrie Bogdanovich.
