
Madigan Confirmed by Senate as Agriculture Secretary, 99-0

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From Associated Press

The Senate, on a vote of 99 to 0, confirmed Rep. Edward R. Madigan (R-Ill.) as agriculture secretary Thursday after heaping praise on a longtime House colleague.

Madigan, 55, watched the vote on television in the office of Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.). Senators presented him with a copy of the unanimous roll call, which lacked only the name of absent Republican Strom Thurmond of South Carolina.

Eighteen years in Congress, including his current post as senior Republican on the House Agriculture Committee, and a gracious, compromising manner made Madigan’s road to confirmation smooth.


“He is a class, quality person,” Sen. Paul Simon (D-Ill.) said.

Madigan will replace Clayton K. Yeutter, the new head of the Republican National Committee.

Madigan said after the vote that he will try to finish a department study on the financial condition of America’s dairy farmers before Aug. 1, when it is technically due, “so a consensus can be built around its findings.” Dairy prices have fallen 20% in the last six months.

Concerning wheat farmers, Madigan said that he would push for more foreign sales, especially to Kuwait. The government will give wheat farmers $2 billion in subsidies this year, contrasted with $500 million last year.


He said there was no reason for legislation to aid California farmers hurt by drought.

“There are already in place a number of programs,” he said, noting unemployment compensation for farm workers and loans offered at low interest rates.

He said California farmers who cannot plant because of the drought can take their land out of production and still receive 92% of their usual federal deficiency payment.
