
VENTURA : Hearing on School Boundaries Planned

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The final public hearing on a controversial plan to redraw school boundaries in the Ventura Unified School District will be held tonight at De Anza Middle School.

As in the three previous hearings on the proposal, a panel of nine administrators will outline the plan and parents will have a chance to discuss it, ask questions or suggest changes.

If the plan is approved, an estimated 3,440 students in the 15,000-student district would change schools. Administrators have also estimated that elementary and middle school students would travel 420 fewer miles a day by bus.


If a new middle school is built to replace Cabrillo Middle School, the district would save $180,000 a year in transportation costs. If Cabrillo is not replaced, the savings would be about $30,000, officials said at last week’s hearing.

As many as 200 parents have attended each of the previous hearings. They have overwhelmingly criticized the plan, questioning whether any money would be saved and saying the proposal would increase segregation and encourage gang violence.

Tonight’s meeting at De Anza, 2060 Cameron St., begins at 7 p.m.
