
Objects of Allure


The April issue of the new Conde Nast beauty magazine, Allure, leads with a story about L.A. beauty. So what does a New York-based magazine have to say about Angelenos? “We think of Los Angeles as the beauty capital of the country, if not the world,” gushed editor-in-chief Linda Wells, in town recently to promote the March debut issue. Wells says writer Joan Kron approaches the subject of L.A. beauty “like an anthropologist.” But does Allure give in to the L.A. beach bunny/bimbo stereotype? Wells doesn’t give out advance copies but offers one tidbit: “Kron writes that L.A. women have whiplash hair; they have so much hair they whip around that they practically need a chiropractor on retainer.”

ROAD WEARY: The palatial Amen Wardy store in Newport Beach is history. It closed March 1 with little fanfare--only letters to loyal customers telling them “the one-man operation” would have only one store. Wardy, who moved to Beverly Hills after opening a Rodeo Drive store last year, says he couldn’t take the commute to Newport Beach. But he expects his Orange County clientele to make the trek and says he prefers the Rodeo Drive location “because it attracts people from all over the world.” He denies rumors that he closed the flagship store because of financial problems, including unpaid bills from designers who refuse to ship him merchandise. “I have the lines I always had,” Wardy said. “The only lines I’m not carrying are Valentino and Ungaro, because they have their own stores on Rodeo Drive--and Escada, because they are going to open a store.”

JEWELS DU JOUR: No one in the crowd, including Barbara Davis and Candy Spelling, minded the recent lunch menu at The Bistro Garden, Beverly Hills. There was a table each of rubies, emeralds, diamonds as well as a special Tiffany collection. Guests were invited to try on the tempting centerpieces between courses as an aperitif to Christie’s jewelry auction, to be held April 24 in Beverly Hills. “There will be about 300 items of jewelry for auction from several estate collections,” said Stephen Lash, a Christie’s vice president. “And the new luxury tax doesn’t effect us because these are all resale items.”


SHAMPOO COCKTAILS ANYONE?: Celeb hair stylist Tina Cassaday believed that what is good for the hair is food for the body. She advocates natural remedies for damaged hair, like avocado for split ends, cantaloupe for Vitamin C and papaya for elasticity. Later this month, Cassaday will open a new salon in Beverly Hills that features a combination juice bar and hair-care product dispensary. Her clients, Jamie Lee Curtis, Nicole Kidman and mega-maned Michael Landon, will be able to order cocktails or conditioners made of fruit, yogurt, honey, molasses, quail eggs and cayenne pepper.

ART AND SOLE: “Miss Saigon,” the hit London musical, will have a new look when it opens in New York in April. Lead players Jonathan Pryce and Lea Salonga will still be there, but the original costumes have been scrapped, says assistant costume designer John Glaser. The new wardrobe includes 56 pairs of black canvas high-tops with “commando soles” by Na Na. The costume designer, Suzy Benzinger, found the shoes at the Na Na shop in New York, and the $42 style is available at the company’s Santa Monica store, where they are officially called the “Highlander” and unofficially referred to as the “vegetarian,” because they are popular with customers who will not wear leather.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Coty award winner Piero Dimitri has developed such a stable of celebrity clients that the New York- based fashion designer plans to unveil a Hollywood design studio across the street from the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard. The two-floor studio featuring custom and ready-to-wear designs will be open by appointment only, to the public and to regulars George Hamilton, Linda Evans, Morgan Fairchild and Kathy Lee Gifford. Jo Ann Miller, company spokeswoman, says Dimitri will also use the new studio to design costumes for feature films.
