
Kids Win Out Over Judges in Day-Care Center Fight

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It was the kids versus the judges at the Pasadena city director’s meeting. The kids won.

The case began when workers started digging trenches and hauling trailers onto the lawn next to the Pasadena courthouse. All Saints Episcopal Church was erecting a temporary child-care center while it expanded its permanent center across the street. Both the county and the city had approved, but the judges weren’t pleased.

“The screams and laughter of children at play will be extremely disruptive, annoying and non-productive for those of us who work in the Municipal Court,” Presiding Municipal Court Judge Elvira R. Mitchell wrote officials.

But--perhaps persuaded by one parent who asked them to imagine 60 toddlers in the city suddenly without day care--city directors on Tuesday ruled against the judges and allowed the center to go forward.
