
IRVINE : Council Approaches Westpark II Decision

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The City Council on Tuesday will again consider whether to rescind approval of the proposed 3,800-home Westpark II residential community or let voters decide whether the project should be built.

Although the council approved the project in December, 3 to 1, a slow-growth group mounted a successful petition campaign in January to force the council either to overturn Westpark II or schedule a referendum.

If the council or voters overturn the project, it could not be resubmitted without substantial changes for at least a year. However, a different residential project for the site could be submitted immediately to the city for approval.


That fact prompted the council at its Feb. 12 meeting to delay scheduling an election. Councilman Bill Vardoulis said that if the slow-growth group and the developer could compromise, the council could immediately overturn Westpark II and clear the way for a different project to be submitted.

Otherwise, he said, any new plan could face a new petition drive, causing more delay toward adding new homes to the city.

After a meeting last week between the group, Irvine Tomorrow, and the developer, the Irvine Co., Irvine Tomorrow representatives said they do not want to discuss the Westpark II project until after the council decides whether to call a special election.


If an election is called, it will probably take place in June or November. Although the council has until Nov. 3, 1992, to hold an election on Westpark II, the project would remain in limbo until then. A majority of council members have said they favor seeing Westpark II move forward as soon as possible.
