
Group Pitches Uniform Relief to Little League


Thanks to the generosity of the nonprofit Orange County Sports Celebrities, 300 Southeast Santa Ana Little League baseball players wore new uniforms Saturday in opening day ceremonies.

A Times Orange County Edition article last year reported that because the league, is deeply in debt, it was probably ineligible for part of the millions of dollars in Olympic surplus funds that are doled out to youth groups.

“After the Orange County celebrities read the report in the newspaper, they contacted us,” said June Canham, a league official.


The nonprofit group of county businessmen so far has donated about $13,000 toward uniforms and a refrigerator and freezer for the snack stand at Madison Park, where the league plays its games.

“We really appreciate their help,” Canham said. “It is certainly working out for us.”

Another benefit of the donations is that the league can use its own revenue to pay off debts.

“We have committed to stick with them for two to three years to make sure things go good . . . and show them how to get sponsors,” said Betty Bottorf, spokeswoman for the Orange County Sports Celebrities.
