
PLATFORM : A National Shame

<i> In light of national and state cutbacks and other problems in health care, Rep. Martin Russo</i> (<i> D-Ill.</i> )<i> has called for a Canadian-style national health program. HOWARD WAITZKIN, professor of internal medicine and social science at UC Irvine, comments to The Times</i> :

This nation spends more money for health care than any other country--11.6 % of our gross national product, or more than $600 billion per year--yet our barriers to access have become a national disgrace.

All other economically developed countries in the world except South Africa have organized health programs that ensure universal entitlement to basic health services.

While they provide access to needed care, these national programs control costs by reducing unnecessary administration and overhead connected with private insurance. For instance, because of Canada’s national health program, Chrysler’s health-care costs for each of its Canadian workers are about one-third of those for its American employees.


No national health program is perfect, but it’s hard to imagine a non-system worse than our own.
