
Area’s Decline Blamed on Bernson

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Your article “Bernson Faces Tough Race” by John Schwada states that the Bryant-Vanalden neighborhood is considered a success and the neighborhood is safer.

Nothing is further from the truth.

Before Bernson’s $20.6-million giveaway to a developer, the area was a Latino community.

People paid rent themselves even though the entire family had to work.

They may not have been well-educated in the American way of living, but the area was their home.

Now, $20.6 million later, it may look nice on the outside but they have thrown out most of the hard-working poor and replaced them with “Section 8” welfare tenants whom our tax dollars support.


Thanks to Bernson and his developer friend, this is now a high crime area where it is not safe to live.

We have nightly burglaries, something that never happened before we got government subsidized housing.


