
Feminists and Legal Issues


In response to “Feminists Make Their Legal Case,” Column One, by Terry Pristin, March 15:

The subhead states “Some scholars are arguing that the the legal system is biased because it reflects male values”--I say, as a male having gone through a divorce, hogwash!

If those so-called feminists want any sympathy from me, then they better address the question of what happens when a (now “ex”) wife makes false statements on paper, and in court in a divorce case. Well, I can tell them the answers: Nothing will happen to the wife. The judges don’t care! The case will go on and on and on. Give the wife alimony, make the husband pay her legal fees, too! Do these feminists have an answer as to how I, as an average wage earner, am to survive financially? It will be years of struggle to pay off all the bills from this “mother of all divorces.”

If the courts took a firmer stand on the issue of false statements, that would go a long way toward easing post-divorce bitterness that both men and women feel. And if feminists addressed this issue in a way that is fair to both men and women, I would then extend my sympathy.



