
Nazi War Criminal’s Extradition Urged

<i> Associated Press</i>

Two New York congressmen introduced a resolution Thursday calling for diplomatic action to extradite the last uncaptured high-ranking Nazi war criminal, Alois Brunner, from Syria to Germany.

Noting cooperation from Syria in the Persian Gulf War, Democrat Michael R. McNulty urged President Bush to ask Syrian President Hafez Assad to turn over Brunner for a war crimes trial.

French courts convicted Brunner in absentia in 1954 and sentenced him to death for war crimes. He is accused of sending 120,000 Jews to their deaths.


The resolution describes Brunner as Adolf Eichmann’s deputy and personal secretary and says he was responsible for the deaths of Jews from Austria, Germany, France, Slovakia and Greece. It says he has lived in Damascus since 1955 under the protection of the Syrian government and notes unsuccessful efforts by Austria and Germany to have him extradited. Syria has denied that he lives there.
