
Real Horror: A man accused of breaking...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Real Horror: A man accused of breaking into the home of horror writer Stephen King with a fake bomb entered no plea Monday in Bangor, Me. Erik Keene, 26, is being held in county jail after his lawyer requested a psychiatric exam. “He’s obviously a disturbed man,” said attorney Mark Perry. The man broke into the house about 6 a.m. Saturday while King was away. King’s wife, author Tabitha King, escaped to a neighbor’s and alerted police.

* Royal Watch: Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 65th birthday quietly Sunday, driving herself to church and enjoying a family gathering. At the end of the church service, attended by about 100 people, the organist played “Happy Birthday to You.” As to any ideas of stepping aside so her son and heir, Charles, 42, will have something to do with his spare time, royal watchers say it is not likely because she likes the job.

* Heady Stuff: Vice President Dan Quayle does have a brainy staff. It reportedly includes 10 lawyers, including the Quayles, and seven Ph.Ds. U.S. News & World Report says Quayle likes the thoughtful position papers and speeches his staff churns out, but worries that it is losing touch with the common people. So Quayle has suggested that his staff begin reading about the everyday folk in People magazine.


* Up and Down: The Rev. Jeb Stuart Magruder, a Watergate conspirator who became a minister after his release from prison, said Americans appear to be turning away from material concerns. Magruder said late last week in Dayton, Ohio: “My church is bulging every single Sunday because they want to hear about something beyond themselves.” Magruder, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy and perjury charges stemming from the 1972 break-in of Democratic Party offices at the Watergate complex, spent seven months in prison. “My life has been up and down like a cork,” he said.
