
No-Fault Car Insurance


Ian Herzog, president of the California Trial Lawyers Assn. (CTLA), said that the public should not be fooled because the new no-fault bill was in the “financial interest” of the insurance industry (Part A, May 1). Assuming his point is correct, Herzog neglected to say that the low-cost policy would also be in the financial interest of the consumer and only his trial lawyers would be decimated by no-fault.

The CTLA’s No. 1 concern is to protect the way of life for their members. Herzog and other reputable plaintiff attorneys have turned the other way when confronted with the exploitation of minor traffic accidents by some CTLA members. This form of highway robbery is in large part responsible for high insurance rates.

Herzog urges that there be no compromise between the CTLA standard-bearer (Assembly Speaker) Willie Brown and the no-fault forces. I agree. The time has come for a common-sense approach and an end run around those who have no interest in the greater good, except when it happens to coincide with their own agenda.



Long Beach
