
Another Sub Calls San Diego Home

Associated Press

The attack submarine Topeka arrived Tuesday at its new home port in San Diego, making it the second of the Navy’s improved Los Angeles-class submarines to be stationed in the city, the Navy announced.

The 6,900-ton vessel, which was launched in January, 1988, is commanded by Cmdr. Wilbur O. Cooke. It recently completed its certification trials in the Atlantic Ocean, Navy spokeswoman Lt. Susan Haeg said.

Improved Los Angeles-class nuclear subs like the Topeka, also known as the 688-class, can operate better in Arctic waters and have a vertical launch system that allows them to carry more Tomahawk cruise missiles than their predecessors.


The primary mission of attack submarines involves anti-sub and anti-ship warfare, but during the Persian Gulf War they also launched cruise missiles against targets in Iraq.

The Topeka is the third Navy ship named for the capital of Kansas and the second improved Los Angeles-class vessel to be stationed at Ballast Point.
