
More Shots Are Fired in the Evolutionary War


You like to get lots of mail, right? Your Sunday feature on John Peloza and Emily Long should generate both hate mail and love mail.

This letter is middle of the road. As an evangelical Christian and missionary-writer, I sympathize with Emily’s position. Though I agree with Peloza’s doctrine, he is off-base to maintain a militant stance at Capistrano Valley High. Emily is well within her rights to ask a few questions about separation of church and state. And she probably exercises faith in God just as genuine as Peloza’s faith.

The way I see it: The battle lines are drawn up, and Christians and pagans are taking their positions as never before. Calvary Chapel is on the right track when they operate their own school system. The Catholics have known this for a long time with their parochial system. Let’s encourage greater separation of church and state even if the pagans take over public school system.



Santa Ana
