
Nebraska Adopts Curbs on Abortion

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Gov. Ben Nelson on Wednesday signed legislation requiring that, in most cases, a parent be notified before a girl 17 or younger may undergo abortion.

Nelson, a Democrat, said that signing the bill fulfilled a campaign promise that he would approve an abortion law “if I agreed with it.”

The nonpartisan, unicameral Legislature passed the bill, 32 to 12, on Tuesday, after years of wrangling. In previous years the issue prompted filibusters, but opponents this year said they were resigned to the measure’s passage.


“We are grateful that parents will once again be involved in this very important decision,” said Julie Lostroh of the Nebraska Coalition for Life.

Susan Hale, a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood, said the state was “interfering in the most private of family matters.”

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld state parental notification laws on condition that a girl can seek court permission for an abortion if she does not want to tell a parent.
