
Owners Can Prevent Pool Tragedies With Constant Vigilance


Jim Landis seems to be one of those who felt tragedy could not strike their family. Although a tragedy was averted, it seems that pool owners do not jump on the safety bandwagon until a life-threatening situation happens to a member of their family.

Pool safety--enclosed fencing around all pools--has been preached for years, especially at the beginning of the summer season when most accidental drownings occur.

Toddlers and small children move fast, much faster than we, the responsible adults, give them credit for. We have heard over and over again that they should never be left alone or not carefully watched when near a pool, not for a phone call or even to fetch a broom from a nearby garage.


I commend Mr. Landis for writing of his experience, but only when all pool owners realize and take responsibility for what can happen will we see a decrease in the tragedies of accidental pool drownings.

HOLLY GORDON, Fountain Valley
