
3 Prisoners Die in Cells From Heat

From Associated Press

Three prisoners died in their state psychiatric-ward cells in a heat wave, registering body temperatures of at least 108 degrees at the time of their deaths, authorities said.

The inmates were found Wednesday morning in their cells at the California Medical Facility.

Prison officials declined to discuss conditions there.

Solano County Coroner Jim O’Brien said the prison and other areas of the county apparently lost power for a time Tuesday, while temperatures ranged between 107 and 111 degrees. Temperatures were similar Wednesday.


O’Brien said all three prisoners died of hyperthermia--extremely high body temperature.

The inmates, all in their late 30s, “had temperatures of at least 108 degrees, and it may have been higher because that’s as high as the thermometers go,” O’Brien said. He added that the three had been taking prescribed psychotropic drugs, including Haldrol, which elevates body temperature.

Their names were not released. One was serving a sentence for endangering the elderly and assault with intent to commit oral copulation, one for manslaughter and one for committing a lewd act with a child.
