
Possible Bones of Czar to Be Examined

<i> Reuters</i>

International experts will examine nine skeletons that may be the remains of the last Russian czar and his family, who were assassinated in 1918.

According to Russian television, authorities in the Siberian city of Sverdlovsk announced Thursday that “the supposed burial place of the Russian emperor’s family” was opened on July 12.

“Nine skeletons were found there. International experts will take part in the examination of the remains,” the television said. Experts also found remnants of the czar’s clothing, the report said.


Czar Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra, their five children and servants were shot in July, 1918, at a house in Ekaterinburg, the former name of Sverdlovsk. V.I. Lenin, leader of the Communist revolution, had ordered local Bolsheviks to carry out the executions.
