

Compiled by Dean Takahashi / Times staff writer

Patents Disputes: Digital Equipment Corp., the Maynard, Mass.-based computer giant, said Monday that two computer-products companies have agreed to no longer manufacture products that allegedly infringe on Digital patents.

Both Winchester Systems Inc. of Woburn, Mass., and Aviv Corp. of Burlington, Mass., have agreed to phase out their products by the end of 1992, Digital said.

Digital sued Anaheim-based Micro Technology Inc. last month, claiming that it infringed on Digital’s patents for storing and retrieving computer information. Micro Technology officials dispute Digital’s claims.


In a statement from Digital, Aviv President Haim Brill said it was “much more economical to sign the phase-out agreement than to litigate.” Steve Hamerslag, Micro Technology’s chief executive, called the Digital announcement a “marketing weapon against credible alternatives, such as those offered by MTI.”
