
Sculpture Moved Smith to Write

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“A Public Sculpture That Takes Glendale Into Its Darling Embrace” (May 9 Glendale Section) deals with Glendale’s taste in selecting sculpture, yet says a whole lot more about what Doug Smith would like to see.

He would like sculpture that would make people talk. Doug Smith has much to say regarding this, yet failed to see that this sculpture actually inspired him to talk, exactly what he felt the sculpture failed to do.

So, the fact that this sculpture moved Doug Smith, whether positively or negatively (he didn’t just ignore it or walk away from it, he chose to write about it) speaks of the merit of the sculpture.


Natalie Krol is an accomplished sculptor, and I have seen much of her work. She excels in a variety of styles and materials. She could have offered any number of designs for the initiation of this seminal collection that would have knocked the socks off Doug Smith.

The selection committee opted for something that spoke to them of nuclear family. Pretty heady, basic stuff, for what used to be, and what is again hoped for, as ideal.

The tastes of the selectors should be commended rather than ridiculed or dismissed as “darling.” I doubt whether Doug Smith intended this. I rather believe this installation supplied him with the excuse for having a little fun with it.


There are some who may take issue with the selection. To me it evokes all that is precious about family and caring. Sculpture is supposed to move the viewer. It moved Smith to write. It moved me to admiration!

Congratulations, Glendale. What a great and wonderful beginning. You have the present and the prospect of innumerable and memorable commissions in your future. Your tastes can reflect anything and everything. Go for it, and good luck.


Los Angeles
