
A Tea Party Fan

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I’ve just mailed President Bush and all my elected representatives in Washington and Sacramento a tea bag along with a note announcing that I will no longer be voting Republican (the party of the rich) or Democrat (the party of the poor).

From this day on, I will be voting for the politician of the Boston Tea Party--the politicians who sincerely seems to care about my shrinking wallet. And if there isn’t such a politician on Election Day, I’ll just stay home and watch television.

I am fed up with how politicians at all levels give themselves raises and increase their expense accounts while asking the working middle class to carry the burden for everything!


If these politicians had the guts to get rid of programs such as welfare, food stamps, aid to dependent children, free medical care to illegal immigrants, bilingual education, overcrowding in schools--to name a few programs that most of America’s middle class think should be eliminated--there wouldn’t be any need to tax, tax, tax!


Santa Ana
