

Compiled by Chris Woodyard / Times staff writer

A Direct Hit: There is a lengthy line to get aboard Disneyland’s newest ride this summer, but don’t expect to find another Splash Mountain.

It’s an elaborate, single-player video game, one of only three operating in the United States. Don’t bring along a fistful of quarters. Bring $3 to be exact, and expect to be under the watchful eye of an operator at all times.

The $95,000 Sega R360 arcade ride, the most expensive in Disneyland’s Starland video game area in Tomorrowland, spins left, right and upside down so that a player can play fighter pilot and shoot down electronic enemy planes.


Upside down?

“You don’t really feel sick because your attention is glued to the screen,” explained Disneyland publicist Diane Turner. “It’s a heck of a lot of fun because you are moving.”

The bubble-shaped ride has been so popular, she said, that the park is considering ordering additional units.

“There was an old man (recently) who was hooting and hollering so loud he drew a crowd. Then he yelled, ‘I’m a top gun!’ and went on it two more times,” Turner said.
