
SANTA PAULA : Improved Reading Scores Reported

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Test scores for students in the Santa Paula Elementary School District improved in reading and slipped in math and social science for 1991, district officials said Thursday.

Results of the nationally administered Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills were announced at the district’s board meeting. CTBS tests kindergarten through eighth-grade students each spring for achievement in reading, language, math, reference skills, science and social sciences.

“The area where there was the most growth was reading, where we had six out of nine grades show improvement,” said Bonnie Bruington, assistant superintendent of education services.


Only the second and sixth grades recorded improved math scores over 1990. Sixth-graders were also the only group with improved social science scores. Bruington said the district will examine the scores and make recommendations for improvement.

In other action, Supt. David Philips announced the retirement of Blanchard School Principal Wilma Turchik. Philips said he will serve as acting principal until a replacement is found, possibly by October. Turchik served in the district for 30 years.
