
Route 30 Completion Overdue


I am sure that everyone feels terrible about all of the residents of La Verne that purchased property in the Route 30 right of way. The fact that their lives are going to be disrupted and that they will probably incur some financial hardship is regrettable, but with the vast growth occurring to the east, how much longer can the rest of us be expected to wait?

This freeway should have been completed 10 years ago to handle the additional traffic in the Rancho Cucamonga-Fontana area. Instead, politicians have allowed this freeway to become a political football while the rest of us sit in our cars on two freeways that are essentially parking lots during rush hours.

The waste of time, money and fuel, not to mention the pollution caused by this selfish minority and their grandstanding political buddies, has to end.


Like it or not, this freeway will be finished. Common sense and economic reality will prevail and all of those homeowners trying so desperately to stop its completion are going to lose. It is inevitable.

If I were a commuter from the Rancho Cucamonga area, I would take some time and find out which politicians from Claremont and La Verne were responsible for this 10-year exercise in selfishness, call them up and give them hell.

Also, if I were a homeowner that was allowed to buy or build in the right of way on the assurance that it would never be built, I would be on the phone screaming my head off.

The gridlock on our freeways will never be cured until the political gridlock is cured.

Perhaps if these cities were charged for the expense they have caused us all over the last 10 years, we would see some action. The longer we wait the more it will cost, and we just can’t afford any additional taxes.


