
SAN CLEMENTE : Water Users Surpass Conservation Goal


For the third month in a row, Tri-Cities Municipal Water District customers have surpassed a 20% water-conservation goal.

District officials are reporting that its four customers combined--the city of San Clemente, Capistrano Beach County Water District, Southern California Edison Co. and the state of California--used an average of 37% less in August than in the same month a year ago.

In June and July, usage was down 21% and 33%, respectively, said Bill Meadows, a water-conservation consultant for the Tri-Cities Municipal Water District.


All three months, San Clemente has consistently fared better than other customers, Meadows said. In August, city customers used 38% less water. San Clemente is Tri-Cities Water District’s biggest customer, using two-thirds of the district’s supply.

By contrast, there were water use reductions of 20% by the Capistrano Beach County Water District and 20% by Edison, which runs the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station.

The state, which runs a park in San Onofre, actually used more than allowed by the Metropolitan Water District, which has called for a 20% cut in water usage.

The MWD is the Tri-Cities Water District’s sole water supplier.

Overall, cool summer weather has eliminated the need to frequently water lawns and gardens, Meadows said. In addition, San Clemente has the “tremendous” advantage of well water and a reclamation plant, which recycles waste water for golf courses and other landscaping irrigation.

Meadows also credited increased public awareness of the drought.

“Based on the last three months, we can say that the public has responded beautifully and there’s no reason to think the public’s conservation won’t continue. I think it’s safe to say we have achieved our goal and that was to make the public aware,” Meadows said.
