

From Staff and Wire Reports

Former University of Colorado running back J.J. Flannigan was issued a summons for obstructing a police officer after an incident in which shots were fired on the campus at Boulder, Colo., earlier this month.

Flannigan, 23, was cited after an incident that began at about 1:30 a.m. Sept. 1, when two university police officers were locking up a gym after a dance. The officers heard shots fired from a vehicle leaving a nearby parking lot, according to a campus police report.

Police stopped a pickup truck driven by Flannigan and a car driven by Kevin Drayton, 23, of Boulder. According to the report, Flannigan refused requests to get out of his vehicle, became abusive and shouted an obscenity at the officer. The officers restrained Flannigan and gave him a summons for obstructing an officer. A gun was found in the car.
