
Pop Reviews : Song Craft in the Green Genes


Green McIntosh Apple. No, it’s not the name of an environmental rock group or a new home computer. It is , however, one of the rarest of entities: a first-rate Los Angeles cabaret act.

The sources of the name are singers Babbie Green, Laurie McIntosh and Abby Apple. But the heart and soul of the trio’s performance at the Gardenia on Tuesday was the breathtaking originality of Green’s catalogue of songs.

It only took a few numbers to confirm that Green has inherited a full measure of songwriting skill from her father, Johnny Green. Several pieces included touches of whimsy, satire and sheer, painful insight that revealed the emergence of a unique writing style.

McIntosh was the image of a torch singer with “I Don’t Want to Scare You Away,” and sweet-voiced Apple brought a spare, penetrating intensity to “This Is a Test.” Green added understated piano accompaniment, colorful vocal harmonies, an occasional solo turn and a warmly communicative manner.


Green McIntosh Apple--the season’s best new cabaret act--continues at the Gardenia Tuesday and Oct. 22 and 29.
