
COUNTYWIDE : Free Training in Child Care Offered


In an effort to provide much-needed infant care in Orange County, a business consultant is offering an unusual free training program to potential home-based care providers.

The program, called FirstNest, includes 21 hours of training in infant and child development, first aid and the business aspects of running an infant day-care home. It is designed for the care of up to three infants.

Those who complete the course will be assisted through the licensing process and will receive free equipment such as cribs. They will also receive ongoing training and support through newsletters and meetings.


“It’s unique to have a program this comprehensive,” said Mary Becker Rowe, FirstNest coordinator and vice president of corporate relations for National Pediatric Support Services, a Huntington Beach-based, child-care management-consulting company which is providing the local training.

FirstNest was originated by the Partnership Group, a national child- and elder-care consultant that contracts with individual companies to provide family support services for their employees. Increasing the supply of care providers is one of its services, which also include child-care referral and unlimited access to a parenting hot line.

Its local clients include Allstate Insurance Co. and Capital Cities ABC Inc.

As a result of changes in the workplace and work/family conflicts, Allstate began contracting for family support services five years ago. “The company realized that it had to be more flexible to keep their good employees,” said Allyn Enke, human resource senior representative.

The program costs the company about $20 per employee per year, according to Tyler Phillips, president of the Langsdale, Pa.-based Partnership Group. He said demand for family-related services have doubled every year for the past eight years.

“In this day and age, it’s highly likely in a two-spouse family, they’re both working. The reality is, there is no one at home any longer to watch the children,” he said.

Even in a declining economy, “employers have concluded, and, I think universally, that they have got to deal with this agenda,” Phillips said.


The consultants decided on expanding the supply of family day-care providers for infants after researching requests at Children’s Home Society, Rowe said. They identified a shortage of providers in the north and central Orange County area, but training will be provided to anyone from any part of the county. Clients are not limited to employees of companies contracting with the Partnership Group.

Classes will be held at Allstate Insurance Co. regional headquarters in Orange, starting next Monday, and continuing on Mondays and Wednesday for three weeks. Those interested must register by Friday by calling (714) 965-1819.
