
Accreditation a Long Process


The question of the accreditation of Soka University has been raised by several people who do not understand the process of accreditation.

It is a long process, starting with application to the Western Assn. of Schools and Colleges. I have been involved in this process four times, twice at the university level when I was a professor at Cal State Long Beach and at the elementary-school level.

The applying institutions must appoint several committees. They must report at many levels. The committee from the Western Assn. comes to the school, interviews the committee, observes the classes in session, and interviews everyone on the staff from the lowliest to the highest, including students and parents.


It is very thorough and it takes several years.

Soka University has already started the process of accreditation in the United States with the Western Assn. of Schools and Colleges.

This will take quite a long time.


