
Social Security Earnings Test


Another example of the wrong-headed thinking of your editorial staff. Why in the world should we allow the retired person to not only collect Social Security but also make more money by working? Why in the world should we taxpayers have to subsidize a better standard of living for these people than the normal working stiff?

If you want to solve this problem, give them an incentive not to retire so early, or move the benefit date to a later age. With people living longer, why should someone collect Social Security at age 62 or 65, when they still have a life expectancy of another 20 years or more? Does that make a lot of sense?

My understanding is sometime in the near future there will be two working people for every one retired person. What we are doing by this insane program is mortgaging our children’s future.


JERRY M. OKAMURA, Rancho Palos Verdes
