
Was Sex Abuse Victim Counseled?

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Your story on the Oak View School/Community Center (“Oasis of Help, Hope,” Dec. 2) is disturbing if the vignette on the 12-year-old abuse victim is complete.

As I read it, a felon is free as long as he moves from the apartment where he’s been sexually molesting a 12-year-old, while her mother who beat her for having had sex with the man is left off with the social worker’s assurance that it wasn’t the daughter’s fault.

What! No charges are brought against the man? No intervention with the mother? No counseling for the girl?


As impressive as the Oak View program is, if that is all there is to the story of physical, sexual and psychological abuse of a 12-year-old, it would appear to fall short of the kinds of intervention needed.

Is there more to the story? Let us hope so.

ANN R. BIEN, Anaheim
