
Book End: A Virginia woman believes the...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Book End: A Virginia woman believes the library and the Twain should meet, so she returned a book inscribed by Mark Twain to the state library in Richmond, where it was 67 years overdue. Virginia Mayes, 85, came across “Mark Twain’s Library of Humor,” an 1888 collection by Twain and other writers, while dusting her late husband’s books. The volume may be worth $1,000, the library says. “I would not want anything that did not belong to me,” Mayes says. And the $1,219 overdue fine? It’s been waived.

Act II: Marla Maples says she wants to be known for her acting skill, not her romance with Donald Trump. All the hype about the two of them “was really very frustrating,” Maples complained. But now the 27-year-old model has soap opera stints and a televised interview with basketball’s Michael Jordan to her credit. Trump divorced his wife, Ivana, after his romance with Maples heated up, but the duo broke off their engagement earlier this year. But no hard feelings: Maples says Trump is “very supportive of my career.”

Red Hot: The flame-red Ferrari 348 TB owned by Argentina’s president was auctioned late last week, and Carlos Menem may be glad to see it go: Opposition politicians had raised howls ever since he parked it in his driveway a year ago. Menem first claimed it was a gift from the Ferrari company, but the Italian car maker swiftly denied that. When Menem finally admitted he got it as a gift from an Italian businessmen, it was too late--the press added the sports car to its list of Menem scandals, including influence-peddling and money-laundering. Menem made sure the $135,000 proceeds didn’t cause another scandal. The money will go to a health program for the poor.


Seeing Green: What’s green and goes in the bank? A man is facing a marijuana rap because he flubbed that question. James R. Bridgewater, 32, had two identical bags in his car when he pulled into a bank’s drive-through lane in Kankakee, Ill. One bag contained money, the other contained marijuana cigarettes. Bridgewater placed the wrong bag in the pneumatic tube and the teller called police. He was still waiting for his deposit receipt when the law pulled up.
