
Gov. Wilson’s Welfare Reforms


Wilson’s proposal for welfare reform is probably the best move he’s made since taking up residency in Sacramento. Let me tell you a story, a true story. My granddaughter, 19, pregnant and unmarried, moved here from Texas. On her third day here she applied for the WIC program, waited a couple of hours and walked out with a fist full of food coupons. Within two weeks she was receiving welfare, which increased once the baby was born. (All medical expenses were provided by Medi-Cal of course.)

Now, after the first of the year and for the first time in my life, I face a temporary layoff due to our severe economic decline. I was born and raised in California, working since I was 17 and paying my taxes to help support my government. When I am laid off, my granddaughter will be receiving more in welfare, food stamps, HUD assistance and Medi-Cal than I will collect in unemployment. She has never put one cent into California’s coffers! I see no fairness or logic in this. I forgot to mention that her parents sent her here because she couldn’t survive on welfare in Texas.

Too bad we don’t all have guts enough to not pay taxes--period! They can’t put us all in jail and maybe some of those dole receivers would look for honest ways to survive. I have to!


