
Census Calls Nevada, Alaska and Idaho Rapid Growth States

From Associated Press

Americans continue to abandon the financially strapped Northeast for the West and South, making Nevada, Alaska and Idaho the fastest-growing states since the 1990 census, the government reported Monday.

The Census Bureau said its figures for April, 1990, through July, 1991, based on such information as utility records, show that the population continues to shift to the South and the West, a trend that began more than 30 years ago.

On the other hand, population growth has continued to slow in the Northeast, because of the economic slump, it said.


Nevada’s population jumped by an estimated 6.8% during the period, to 1.28 million; Alaska grew by 3.7%, to 570,000 people, and Idaho gained 3.2%, to 1.04 million.

The nation’s population as a whole grew 1.4% during the same period, which the Census Bureau said works out to an annual growth rate of 1.1%.
