
RTD Driver Blames Crash on Scuffle With Robbers

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A veteran Southern California Rapid Transit District bus driver told police that a scuffle Thursday with robbers led to a collision between his bus and another RTD bus on Spring Street in Los Angeles, sending nine passengers to local hospitals complaining of neck and back pain.

After the 3:18 p.m. collision between 7th and 8th streets, Gilbert Ramos, an 18-year RTD veteran, told police that he was waiting behind the other bus when one or two men tried to steal a pack of transfers from the front of the bus.

Ramos said he resisted, but his wallet fell to the floor and one of the robbers grabbed it and fled. The driver told police he gave chase, but was unable to apprehend the thief.


Meanwhile, his bus, empty of other passengers, rolled up several feet and collided with the bus stopped ahead of him. That bus had nine riders aboard.
