
City Council Panel OKs $2 Hike for Dog Licenses


A Los Angeles City Council committee Monday approved a $2 increase in dog license fees to help offset the $7-million annual cost for animal regulation.

The plan, given the go-ahead by the Public Safety Committee, would raise license fees for neutered dogs from $8 to $10, and from $18 to $20 for unaltered canines.

The increase, which must be approved by the city Budget and Finance Committee and the full City Council, would raise about $350,000. Department of Animal Regulation staffers said the funds are needed because budget cuts have hampered the city from providing sterilization services.


The city operates two spaying and neutering clinics. But Robert I. Rush, the department’s general manager, said budget woes will probably force the department to shut down the clinics at the end of the fiscal year.

Rush said the city’s spay and neuter program, which was not funded this year, has been operating on salary savings and fund transfers within the department.
