
President on the State of the Union


After listening to the State of the Union address, and the reactions of “the average citizen,” the most frequent criticism was “hearing the same old rhetoric.” Well, let me give you a little clue. For the better part of the last 45 years, Democrats have been in control of the House and the Senate. Electing a President who believes in accountability is an exercise in futility unless you elect a Congress that will support and implement the policies set forth.

Ten years ago, we were all afraid of nuclear war. The Soviet Union, communism. Since the smiling peanut farmer left office, we have been working diligently to ensure national security. Democrats fought against a strong defense every step of the way. Yet now these same liberals complain that those in the defense industry are out of work. Can you say hypocrite?

How about national health care? We use to call it socialism. I still do. Did it work in Canada? Definitely not. Did it work in Europe. No way! Yet Democrats seem to feel it will work here. Interesting thought process, or lack of!


Same old rhetoric, you think? I say same lack of support from the same people for the last four-plus decades.


