
Police Station Said to Be Danger to Schoolchildren


I welcome the opportunity to respond to Maxine Vogler regarding “Welcome Police and Fix Traffic for Alhambra,” (Times, Letters, Feb. 2).

I will always view the location for the new police station as a blunder in the interest of saving students’ lives from traffic accidents. Thank goodness four of my children have already graduated from high school, but my youngest daughter still attends Alhambra High and will be there for 2 1/2 more years.

The traffic is difficult enough as it stands now as young people are let off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon around 2nd Street and Commonwealth Avenue without having police cars from the new station racing down (the street) answering calls.


For this reason alone, I won’t breathe easier if the new police station is completed prior to my daughter’s graduation.

Ms. Vogler, unfortunately speeders will appear from time to time in practically all neighborhoods in all cities. However, if you feel especially endangered in the Midwick neighborhood, perhaps you and some others around you wouldn’t mind selling your homes to the city and the new police facility could be located there.


