
An Honest Man


In this day of crime and violence, not to mention the poor economy, we would like to let you know about a most positive experience we had during our last visit to San Diego.

In our rush to get to Disneyland with our family, my husband lost his wallet. In his wallet were his money and credit card along with other important papers.

Our day at Disneyland was not as pleasant as usual because we realized it was gone just as we approached the gates. The next eight hours were spent calling back to San Diego to check all areas we had been previously.


Our very last thought was the Mobil station on Los Coches Road in El Cajon, and I made the call to my daughter to check there as a last resort.

You can imagine our relief when we returned home that night to find the wallet. The wallet had been found by an employee at this station and was kept for our return. All monies and papers were in the wallet. When we offered the man a reward the next day, he refused.

How often we hear about the negative things in our society, but rarely do we hear about the positive. This man is truly an honest man.


LINDA ZIMMERMAN, London, Ontario
